"One of the best ways to grow and mature as a believer is to continually remind yourself who you are and what you possess as a child of God. The more you affirm who you are in Christ, the more your behavior will reflect your true identity"

We are children of god! We are one with the earth, the waters and the sky that god created for us. So, remember that we were created to glorify God in all that we do. Respect the land and all that inhabit it. Hold in reverence all that nurish our bodies, the birds in the sky, the fish of the water and the plants and animals of the earth.

Hunting is a way of life in our home, almost as much as family and faith, almost. We hunt to live. I want nothing more than to teach my children the reverance and respect for the land and its animals. To become stewards of God's earth.


Welcome to my little place in the world! As you can see its a work in progres... I hope to cronicle some of my adventures in the outdoors as well as my relationship with the Lord. Please take time to look around and don't be afraid to comment! Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Work in the Woods!

Several weeks ago the three little boys and I decided to do a little work in the woods. The idea was to put out some mineral licks, move a trail cam or two and maybe even take down a few stands. My first mistake was thinking that I would actually get any work done with all three of them in tow! None the less we had a great time.

Mineral site

Trail Cam

Then we cam upon this spot, and the wheels started turning.

Wonder if I could turn this into a food plot? I can’t get any equipment down here to work the ground so I would really have to do some improvising. I decided that I would start working on it the next weekend and I began to devise a plan.

I started out by weed eating the whole area.

Next I used my brand new patent pending food plot rake to clean up all the cut grass.

Now, take same food plot rake and add a little weight.

This is what you are left with.

Planted with Evolved Harvest Throw & Gro Seed and hope for rain!

I will try to post pics if and when it starts to grow. Not sure I was able to remove enough of the existing vegetation to allow this to work but it was definitely worth a shot. If It does come in I will repeat the process again late summer and try planting a forage that will last through the winter.

1 comment:

  1. BTW, weed eat a small field in the woods like that and you will get poison ivy from head to toe... Just sayin!
