Mineral site
Trail Cam
Then we cam upon this spot, and the wheels started turning.
Wonder if I could turn this into a food plot? I can’t get any equipment down here to work the ground so I would really have to do some improvising. I decided that I would start working on it the next weekend and I began to devise a plan.
I started out by weed eating the whole area.
Next I used my brand new patent pending food plot rake to clean up all the cut grass.
Now, take same food plot rake and add a little weight.
This is what you are left with.
Planted with Evolved Harvest Throw & Gro Seed and hope for rain!
I will try to post pics if and when it starts to grow. Not sure I was able to remove enough of the existing vegetation to allow this to work but it was definitely worth a shot. If It does come in I will repeat the process again late summer and try planting a forage that will last through the winter.
BTW, weed eat a small field in the woods like that and you will get poison ivy from head to toe... Just sayin!