Camouflage: is a method of crypsis (hiding). It allows an otherwise visible organism or object to remain unnoticed, by blending with its environment.
Last night I noticed 2 visitors on our front porch after the storm went through. One was a moth and the other was a frog. What my 4 year old son pointed out as I was taking pictures of them was that they were both camouflaged.
Each one was created to blend in with its environment, yet each one was totally unique. Unique in looks and unique in its purpose for its camo. Now I don’t know this for a fact, but if I were to guess I would say that the moth uses its camo to hide from those that would seek to eat it, from predators. The frog might be using its camo to hide from its prey. Either way the object is to remain unnoticed.
Now being a hunter and former military I think of myself as a camouflage oficinato of sorts. I like camo, a lot. I have camo seat covers for my truck. I have camo clothes both for hunting and casual. My favorite coffee cup is camo. Love the fact that my 4wheeler is camo too! You get the point.
I think that in life people tend to use camo, per say, for all sorts of reasons. More often than not its to blend in, get lost in the crowd so to speak. Many people don’t want to be noticed, don’t want attention. We all just want to go on with our day to day life.
I don’t know how God feels about the camo that I wear while hunting. In my mind, he’s pretty cool with it. I think it’s the other type of camo that he has a problem with. In fact, I know that he does. As christians, God wants us to stand out in a crowd. He wants us to be noticed for who and what we are. We were created to serve and glorify God and what better way to do that than to stand out! I’m not saying that every christian needs to spend all their time trying to preach to the masses. Some of us can do just as much good leading by example. Show the world that its ok to be kind to your neighbor, help those in need without judgement or persecution. Compassion and understanding can go along way these days in our world. Maybe it’s time that we all give it a try. Drop the camouflage and become noticed for who we are, christians. Just a thought…
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